Satyam Tiwari

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Lekhny composition -03-May-2024

That day 

Time has moved on now its  2024.
I left my happiness in 2016.
Year you left me , the moment has shattered me.

Time has moved on , now it's 2024.
I left my consciousness in 2016.
Stuck with me millions of questions.
On the day you left me forever.

Time has moved on now it's 2024.
I left my mind in 2016.
What is real ?
What is illusion? 
Nothing clear from the moment you left me.

Time has moved on , now it's 2024.
I left my peace in 2016.
You left me , but at night you return.
Interfering with my dreams , redrawing nightmare.
Haunting me in love , haunting me in breakup.
Still not free from the moment you left me for good.

Time has moved on , arrived 2024.
I left my freewill in 2016.
Deeply in love , moved forward with you.
Dream for you , of you embracing in arms.
Deeply hurt , following your shadows reaching dead end.
Drunk for you , to escape from your nightmare.
Hands that cared with love , is choking out life.
From the moment, she ditched me for good.

Time has moved on , in present 2024.
I left hope  in 2016.
Found garden of love , that remained green till eternity.
I was happy , to be your part of life.
Happy to find you , you changed my life.
From fragile flower to beautiful flowery plant.
Finally plant to withered lost flower that has nothing left.
Sorrow has come , from the moment you left me alone.

Time has moved on , now it's 2024.
I left  myself in 2016.
Incident cuts deeper than reality
Still in the past , while you live in happiness 
Reality sucks , living in dreams , dreams my reality.
Wanting to die , but life denied became a shell.
For me 2016 isn't over and everything collapsed.
Everything dust and chaos , still holdin on lost love.
Not living , stuck forever in past , refusing to believe
The moment you left , robbed me everything and now I just a body without soul.


Mohammed urooj khan

04-May-2024 12:16 PM



Babita patel

04-May-2024 10:35 AM

V nice


Reena yadav

04-May-2024 07:38 AM

